Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A non-profit is providing suits for the jobless.

There’s no denying that first impressions are incredibly important and frequently make or break certain situations, especially professional ones. One of the major hurdles that the jobless face is being able to afford the type of clothes that make the first impression they want to make on potential employers. However there is one non-profit that is working hard to make sure that the homeless and jobless are equipped for interviews in clothes that impress. The program Suited for Work is run by FEGS and works to increase the confidence of interviewees by providing them with top of the line designer suits and training so that they can walk into their interviews with their heads held high and with their best foot forward.

The economy has drastically changed over the past 10-15 years and these changes have left blue collar workers with no college degrees facing uncertain futures. With wages falling and jobs moving, many men have found themselves homeless and jobless and they don’t even know how to begin getting their life back. While there are many non-profits that offer this sort of service for jobless and homeless women, Suited for Work is one of the few that focuses on men. With their focus on dressing jobseekers well and improving their confidence and self-worth, this non-profit is truly making a difference in the lives of many.

If you’d like to read more, the link is below:

from Moshira Soliman and Philanthropy

from WordPress

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