Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge Brings in Over $41 Million.

While there have been many right negative things said about the ice bucket challenge (the most important pointing out how it was in incredible luxury to dump fresh, clean, and drinkable water all over one’s head when there are so many in desperate need), there is one positive that nothing will be able to take away; over $41 million has been raised to help search for a cure for ALS. While most of the people who took part in the challenge obviously did it because they wanted the social media glory, they did spread awareness and over 739,000 new people have donated money. Mind you, none of these people will be repeated donors, but the money is still there and will still be put to use searching for a cure.

Last year the A.L.S. Association raised $19.4 million in one year. That means that the Ice Bucket Challenge actually doubled the number of donations and that will most likely continue to increase as the fad begins to die out. More than that, the challenge brought awareness to a disease that literally half of Americans knew nothing about. With over 30,000 people currently affected by ALS and with more being diagnosed every day (it’s a genetic disease), the outcome for the challenge could never have been better. That being said, people only donate to the causes that they see as currently “sexy” and so it’s a shame that no other disease will see this sort of outpouring of financial support unless they come with something eye-grabbing too.

If you’d like to read more, the link is here.

from Moshira Soliman and Philanthropy http://ift.tt/1vKb8m5

from WordPress http://ift.tt/1nUsq87

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